Thursday evenings 5 o'clock at Blackburn Brewhouse. Niagara Falls, Canada It's in the summer - not sure if it goes past Labour Day or not.  Some Facebook websites have more info.  Lots of cool cars.
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Boudoir Photography in Niagara Falls Boudoir def.: A boudoir (/buːˈdwɑːr/; French: [bu.dwaʁ]) is a woman's private sitting room or salon in a furnished residence, usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman's private bedroom. The term derives from the French verb bouder (to sulk or pout) Here a few boudoir photos that I’ve going back about 20+ years. Trying to post a bit of a variety of photos. Some are
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Street Photography, Love and Kindness in Niagara Falls Love, Love, Love Our niece is visiting for a few days.  With her 13 and 14 year old kids.  They are doing all the touristy stuff. We took them down to Table Rock - that’s the spot where the Falls actually fall.  Lots and lots of people.  They were doing the ‘Under the Falls’ thing (Journey Behind the Falls).  We sat on the rocks by the garden
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George Hurrell Hollywood Style Photos George Hurrell worked for MGM in the 1930s and 40s and photographed pretty much every star of that time.  Joan Crawford and Humphrey Bogart & Marlene Dietrich, Veronica Lake, Robert Taylor, Douglas Fairbanks, Greta Garbo, James Cagney, Hedy Lamar, Johnny Weissmuller (Tarzan), amongst dozens of others.  HIs photographic style has inspired hundreds if not thousands of photographers since then. Editing a George Hurrell Negative People often complain about the fact
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Portraits with Hannah These photos were taken New Years Day 1999. Billy, another photographer and I had been shooting and processing our photos in a darkroom for some time and we were both at a party the night before. Hannah was attending the event as well. We approached her, asking if she would allow us to shoot her the next day at our studio. We thought she had marvellous bone structure and would make for
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