niagara falls

Classic Car Show at Blackburn Brewhouse, Niagara Falls

Classic Car Show at Blackburn Brewhouse, Niagara Falls

Thursday evenings 5 o'clock at Blackburn Brewhouse.
Niagara Falls, Canada

It's in the summer - not sure if it goes past Labour Day or not. 

Some Facebook websites have more info. 

Lots of cool cars.

Posted by Marty in Blog, 0 comments
Street Photography, Love and Kindness in Niagara Falls

Street Photography, Love and Kindness in Niagara Falls

Street Photography, Love and Kindness in Niagara Falls

Love, Love, Love

Our niece is visiting for a few days.  With her 13 and 14 year old kids.  They are doing all the touristy stuff.

We took them down to Table Rock - that’s the spot where the Falls actually fall.  Lots and lots of people.  They were doing the ‘Under the Falls’ thing (Journey Behind the Falls).  We sat on the rocks by the garden there and watched people for an hour or two.

I had a long lens on my camera and started taking photos.  I had taken one shot of a couple kissing and hugging early on.  As a result, as I was shooting I noticed the love and kindness, the caring pretty much everyone there had for each other.

Almost all of these photos are taken from one spot.

It really hit me, though, when I was editing the photos, just how much love there is out there.  I posted these photos on Facebook and Instagram and the response was/is wonderful.

I’m hoping that at some point at least one or two of the folks photographed get to see these images. So, if you come across these and recognize anyone, please let them know.

And I hope these photos help you see the world as loving and kind as I do.

Posted by Marty in Blog, Marty's Photo Blog, 0 comments
Recent Boudoir Photoshoot at TellTale Studios, St. Catherines

Recent Boudoir Photoshoot at TellTale Studios, St. Catherines

Boudoir Photography - Niagara Region, Ontario

These images are from a recent boudoir photoshoot I did in St Catherines, Ontario.

These were for a client that wanted to keep them private.
I asked if I could post these painterly images and she said yes. 

She had never done anything like this before; a friend suggested it might be fun to do.
Something different.

We used a new studio in St. Catherines (Ontario) called Tell Tale Studios.  

It’s run by McKenzie Katsmar.  Very helpful young gentleman.
He is also a photographer so knows what is needed. 

The studio itself is perfect.  Great soft window light.
Ceilings, I think, are at least 14 feet high.  Hardwood floor.
Enough props and room to get lots of different angles and backgrounds. Very reasonable rates. 

The photos were edited with Lightroom then Photoshop.
Using Photoshop AI and various brushes and other tools.
(I’m learning.)

The model was an acquaintance and had seen my portfolio.
I asked her to bring a friend which she did.
This is always a good idea - for both parties.
Though, if you are a male photographer and you are photographing a female,
I generally suggest a female model not bring a boyfriend or husband.
Creates an uncomfortable vibe.
Moms are not the best either as they try and run the show. 

A girlfriend or female sibling is always best.
They can sit and read or some such.
Or occasionally help  hold a reflector! 🙂

Posted by Marty in Blog, Marty's Photo Blog, 0 comments