I spent most of the weekend taking pictures at the Olds 100 Year Celebration in Olds, Alberta.  This was a joint creation with the Town of Olds and Olds College.  There were four days of activities.  I’ll try and post some of the photos over the next few days so they are separated by activity. Activities included Show ‘n Shine Car show in the morning on Saturday, a couple of bandstands with music and entertainment
This is quite brilliant.  If even a few of these points were followed by the majority of people most of the time, I think we could stave off a lot of arguments and wars.  Well, maybe not wars but it really is a good outline of general manners of human intercourse.  This is not just for men but I think should be required reading for men and women of all ages. The Art of Manliness
This climb was rated at a couple of sites as ‘moderate’.  NOT.  It is 850 meters up – well, not quite but a few meters here or there??.  All up and fairly steep and about 6 km each way.  Not a long way but a good climb.  It is really, really is worth the trip, the views are incredible!  but I would rate it at least “Hard”.  I’m in decent shape aerobically but my legs
So, my swim in July is 2.1 KM across the lake. I’m going to do just that distance for any workouts that I can get in between now and then.  See how fast I can go and keep up the pace. Today I did 35 minutes for 2100 meters.  Felt good!

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