
Good Night, Good Night

Gareth played at the Orpheum in Tampa again Sunday night. He was somewhat nervous. The first time he played there a few weeks ago, he played to a very small crowd as it was a Wednesday night. This time, Sunday evening there were a few hundred people there - well, at least a couple of hundred. Anyway, he played nine songs - this time I really wish I had a video camera to record the event - I will next time. By the sixth or seventh song the whole place was clapping along to the beat of the song. Huge cheering for every one. He played seven original songs and two covers. (A cover is simply playing a song written by someone else.)

The difference from the first show a few weeks ago to this one was amazing. He completely filled the room with his music - his own music is catchy and full of life and feeling. He was completely confident and exuded competence - if this is starting to sound like a parent doting or bragging - well, too bad.

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No Flour Pancakes

South Beach Diet Pancakes: These Rock!

I don't really call South Beach Diet a diet - I see it as just eating properly - anyway, here's the recipe from the book with some of my 'additives':

1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
(I don't eat anything low fat - tastes terrible and I'm not convinced)
4 Egg whites (I use two whole eggs)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

I double the recipe as what's here won't give you much. They are pretty big pancakes and they are thick as well - so if you prefer thinner pancakes, add a bit more cottage cheese or eggs. And of course you can vary the spices to taste. Filling too.

Throw it all in a blender and you are good to go.

- martin

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Gareth at the Orpheum

Gareth played at the Orpheum - a club in Tampa - last night and did very well. We'll get the pictures up on the weekend and some of the music out to those who want it. There was another band playing there that has asked him to play other venues with them - they though he was great.

- Mart

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Being Frugal

My sister has a new blog – all about being frugal. Some good ideas. Check it out at The Frugal Bugle

This blog is no longer in existence. (Sept 2012)

– Martin

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Matt Dancing 2008

This is one cool video.

If you have any trouble do a search on Matt Dancing 2008

Have fun,


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