Kensington Wine Market – Calgary

I have not been to all of the wine stores in Calgary but so far the Kensington Wine Market has one of the best selections around.  A good assortment of wines from around the world with some very good inexpensive wines and plenty of excellent more expensive wines.  But plenty for me in the middle.

Kensington Wine Market – Calgary

My son purchased a ‘wine of the month’ for me which I love as I get to try wines that I may not otherwise.  So, once a month, instead of having them deliver I make a point of going into the store to pick it up and purchase a few others.  The staff have always been helpful in steering me to good wines of the types that I like. 

They can keep track of your purchases if you want and you can also go and create an account at their website to order or mark your favourites. 

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