
Lilac Festival Calgary 2013

I have a couple of my sons visiting and thought to show them the downtown area last Sunday by visiting the Lilac Festival.  Big mistake.  This is a one day festival along 4th Street.  Nice are and it was a beautiful day.  The street is closed off and there are vendor along both sides with stages for musicians at the side streets.  Lots to see and do. But there was almost no way to see or do anything.  There were far too many people for the amount of space. I have worked at various kinds of trade shows for years and I’m pretty sure I would not have liked it as a vendor either.  We walked along the center of the street for about 25-20 minutes.  We were basically herded along.  There was pretty much no way to stop and look at things because of the mass of people behind us pushing along.  None of were really enjoying this so we walked along 17th until we found a place to sit, have a beer and people watch.

I don’t know if this quantity of people is usual but from talking to others who have been before I think it is.  My suggestion to the promoters of the event and the City of Calgary is to extend this festival by either space or time or both. Extend it along 17th or make it a two day show.  Something.

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Jeans and Jackets at Olds College, Alberta

My son and I had a blast taking photos the other night at an event at Olds College.  It was a last minute thing but we managed to get set up and get some great photos. 

Some really great people there.  Here is a link to their website: Olds College

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Get out of the way

If you are being passed while driving on the left side of the road you are doing or not doing one of the following:

1. You are not checking your rear view mirror.
2. You are an uncertain driver
3. You are an idiot
4. You are lazy, (you don’t care about others)
5. you live in a country where the right lane is the passing lane.

Those reading this are likely pretty well mannered. Most of the more ‘rude’ people are not really aware of other drivers. Driving is not so much about rules as manners and being aware of others.  I don’t really have a problem with someone driving in the left lane as long as they are paying attention and get the hell out of the way when someone is coming up faster than they are.  Too many drivers are worried, I think, about moving from one lane to the other to move out of the way.  That, to me, is poor driving.  That person should be training and figuring out how to drive more confidently.  Then there are those who are just being ‘right’. I guess.  Not sure really but…I have run into all sorts of justifications for this.  But I really think that it is much safer overall for people to get out of the way of faster cars.

Just sayin’.

Posted by Marty in Blog, 0 comments

Does Writing Make you More Smarter?

It is said that a big part of genius is ‘FOCUS’.  And I think that is underrated. 

I’ve always known that people that are more focused seem more intelligent whether they are or not.  Less noise – ‘just get the job done’ equates more success generally.

Research and writing can go a long way to helping with this. 

Let us take sales as an example:

It is common wisdom that product knowledge will increase a person’s sales.  There are a couple of ways one could go about gaining this knowledge.  Memorizing or learning a patter or secondly, thorough understanding of the product one is attempting to sell.  Most of the time the first step is necessary to start but I believe the second is needed to be successful long term. 

One can just sit and read through research on a product or service.  Or one can research and put those thoughts together in one’s own articles for the purpose of enlightening others on the benifits of the product or service.  Research in this case would be more than just reading.  As much as possible one needs to experience the product or service.  If it is a car, drive it.  If it is cookware, cook with it.  And test it in differnt scenarios.  A set of new tires are supposed to be particularly good in snow and ice.  Figure out a way to go out and drive on them in ice and snow.  Make sure that you understand why and write about your experience – how it went. Having done this you will find the next time a prospect asks you about the tires with regard to snow you will answer easily and with certainty and the customer will perceive this.

The more of this you do the less people will be able to knock you off your game.  The actual writing down of the research and experience allows one to think it through.  You are now not just flying by the seat of your pants.  Understand that this has nothing to do with being a ‘detail’ person it is just helping to organize your learning process. 

Liking the subject that you are dealing with helps but is not absolutely necessary.  If you love cars, you may do some of this automatically but on the other hand if you are not a total car ‘nut’ it works just as well: the more you learn and put your thoughts together in writing, the more understanding you will have and the more you will like cars or whatever it is that you are researching and writing about. 

I have been selling one particular product for years and have researched the “whys and wherefores” of this product very thoroughly.  Part of my time is spent in direct sales in addition to selling the product online.  I have sold this product with other sales people for several years and working beside them and answering their questions has helped train them.  The knowledge I gained from my research and writing helped increase their sales considerably.

A hundred people may have written on a certain subject but you will find your own view and with that your own experience.  If nothing else the writing out of what you have learned will help organize your thoughts and help make more sense of it.

If you are going to do this, just start.  Take a subject get some information about it and then write.  Don’t try and be perfect the first time or the second time.  Just get your thoughts down based on what you have learned or experienced.  As you do this on a regular basis you will find that you get more out of the travel or driving that car.  You will be more connected and that will communicate. 

For example if you are writing about your travels: you may find yourself asking more questions of the locals or tasting the wine differently and generally experiencing things more thoroughly knowing that you are going to write in your journal that night.

Again, don’t worry about being perfect the first time or the second time or the third time.  And do not let anyone criticize your work.  Never.  Keep your own counsel on your writing.  (More on that later.)  Just keep writing and trying to organize your writing to make it communicate more clearly each time. 

You will become more focused feel smarter.

Posted by Marty in Blog, 1 comment

Art/Photo display at Wine Ink, on 17th Ave, Calgary

My son Spencer and I are showing some of our work at Wine Ink on 17th Avenue SW in Calgary.  If you are in the area drop in and take a look; pick up some wine while you are there.  Tell them Martin sent you.

#101, 932 17th Ave. SW
Calgary, AB
T2T 0A2

You can also check out their website: Wine Ink

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